
You can update your preferences at any time in your customer account.

  • By registering you are confirming that you are over 16 years old.
  • By clicking ‘Register’ I confirm that I have read and understood the Privacy Policy.

A small donation means a big difference

Hertfordshire Zoo is a charity and your ticket helps us protect endangered animals in the UK and around the world. If you add a 10% donation, which is included in the ticket price displayed on the site, we can claim tax back from the government's Gift Aid scheme.

This means we get an extra 25p for every £1 you spend at no extra cost to you.

Your password must have:
Upper and lowercase charcter At least one number
Special characters (!@£$%^&) 8 or more characters

Please provide at least one phone number. Your phone number will only be used if there is a query with or update to your booking.


Shipping address 1

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